Here's to the Liars and the Cheaters....

NOT.  You get nothing.  No dedication for you.
This post truly goes out to all of the "Mr. Right's"out there.  The "nice guys" if you will.
I'm officially deeming today National Good Men Appreciation Day.  Because let's face it girls. They do a lot for us. Sometimes they need a pat on the back and a gold star for the day.
Being the grateful lady that I am, I'm going to oblige,
And say....

Here's to....
All the good men who wake up every morning and are thankful for the one they have.
Who put her needs before his own.
Who gives his girl a reason to smile;
And ruins her lipstick, not her mascara.
Here's to the ones who traded the one night stands for just one more night with you.
Who makes her look forward to tomorrow.
The ones who know his girl should be kissed, and kissed often.
Who never stop trying to show her he cares about her, even when he already has her.
Here's to the men who will speak the truth, even if his voice shakes.
Who have goals, ambitions, and crave success.
Finally, here's to the men who make their woman feel strong, sexy, and able to take on the world.
So here's to you, Adam

Here is my list of Thank You's that I hope he already knows but I may not say as often as I should.   

Thank you for:
Waking me up to kiss me goodbye every morning.
Staying in shape :)
Making an effort to be a GREAT uncle to your nieces and nephews.  And mine.
Working so hard at everything you do.
Your chivalry.  You open every door I walk through for me, and I appreciate that.
Actually liking to cuddle.
Telling me you love me 8,492 times a day.  
Letting me choose which restaurants we go to.
Allowing me to completely, and I mean COMPLETELY decorate our apartment.  Top to bottom.
Choosing me over pretty much anything else.
Bringing me flowers and chocolate on random occasions.  
Smothering me with hugs and kisses.
Being the man that I would be proud to have a son exactly like. 
I also wanted to tell him "I loved you yesterday, I love you still.  I always have, I always will."

I think it's so important to appreciate the people who make your life great.  So here's to you, boys.
And for the ones who haven't found Mr. Right..... In the words of Danielle Peck....
Here's to finding a good man!


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