Holiday Gift Wrapping 101

Holiday Gift Wrapping
 Fun Facts about my wrapping:

♥ I got most of the accessories at Hobby Lobby for .50 cents or less
♥ I'm a gift-wrapping freak.  And I own it.
♥Each gift will have the letter of the recipient's first name tied onto it (E for Emma, A for Adam).  Cute right?
♥ Most of them are for a 1 year-old, whom will not appreciate my skills
♥ I never wrap two gifts the same
♥ The key to a good-looking gift is using color patterns that work well together.  I use solid colored paper.
♥ I always have a theme.  This year is rustic/neutral
♥ The wrapping paper all came from Target and they were about $5 dollars each.  
♥ If my marketing career fails, I've decided to wrap presents for a living.
♥Wish me luck.



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