My Keep-it-Tight Summer Workout Plan

Hello sweets!  How is everyone?  I hope you're all doing very well and had a fantastic weekend!  (Late) Happy Memorial day to everyone, and I hope your transition back to work was smooth and painless.  I only had a 4 hour shift today so HA.  I like to ease back into things :)

I'm posting about an unusual (for me) topic today, which is a summer workout routine.  If you're new around these parts, I normally post about girly/beauty/fashion things.  But I also believe it's important to have a nice butt.  #sotheresthat

I post on Instagram (find me HERE) once in a while about fitness and workouts.  I really do try to stay healthy in that respect and a couple of you have asked about my routine, so I've shown you a few of the exercises I do on the daily.  Please note- I do NOT claim to be a fitness expert or "gym-rat" in any way shape or form.  But I am proud of my bod and it is my right to flaunt/strut/wiggle/jiggle it as often as I please.  And you should do the same :)

These exercises are not meant to help you lose weight, or even build muscle.  I've labeled it my "Keep-it-Tight" summer workout because I mainly focus on maintenance and toning.  So if that's what you're into, then take a peek at my suggestions above!  You're only young once, and I believe in looking my  best.  So even if you have your own workout and want to completely ignore my routine, that's okay! As long as you're staying active and fit :)  Oh, and as far as a diet goes.... I don't have one :/ Oops.  Props to all of you clean-eaters out there.  I bow down to you.


      A bacon, donuts, and cream-cheese eating freak blogger


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